Every Day Adorable

Seeing as I have a large collection of absolutely beautiful wovens, I try to find patterns that I can use to make them in to pretties for M. Problem is, I’m not huge into ruffles and since I’m planning for fall, long sleeves are a must.

I also find it increasingly difficult to find patterns that are truly unique, and have their own flair. I love straight edges and clean-cut corners, so when I found the Every Day Top by Tie Dye Diva, I knew I had a winner. Almost.

When you peruse patterns on Etsy, sometimes you only get one view of it. And a lot of the time, designers are wonderful enough to offer multiple variations and takes on a pattern when you purchase just a single PDF. It’s sometimes like getting 2 or 3 (or even 7 or 8) in one. At first, I found it insanely annoying to scroll through an etsy shop and see the same thing over and over again, re-listed half a dozen times. Until now.

The first time I saw the Every Day Top I scrolled right past it. M’s face is so round, that peter pan collars just don’t flatter her. But when I happened upon another view of the top with the square collar and accent piping, I knew I HAD to have it. No hesitation at all on this one, it was mine.


In to the stash I dove. I decided that I wanted to do the accent piping, as well as an accent cuff and though I was nervous about coordinating (not my strong suit) I found two patterns in my woven stash I figured would work well.


When I started cutting the pattern, I made the mistake of not laying out all my pieces first. In such, I discovered I was maybe an inch shy on my sleeve length. So, I figured to take a risk and make a 3/4 length sleeve, hoping that it wouldn’t end in an odd place on M. Of course, once I cut the pieces out and turned around, I realized I had another piece of the material sitting over the chair behind me. Oh well.


Sewing up the top went well. Slow, but well. I fuddled around a little with the wording when doing the piping, but that was again my late night brain not processing well. The instructions were very very detailed, and included a huge number of helpful photos, which I was grateful for. Mainly because I learnt two new techniques.


I did my very first continuous lap placket! As fancy as that sounds, it was so very simple and I think I can entirely credit that to amazingly well written instructions. When I showed it to a seamstress friend she didn’t believe it was the first time I’d done one, which I took as meaning I’d done well. Jen from Tie Dye Diva recommends that if you have not done one before you may want to try it out with a scrap first, but with her instructions being so fantastic I really think everyone would do just fine.



I also learned how to attach sleeves. Again, pretty sure it’s relatively rookie, but I’d never actually attached woven sleeves to a top before. So, again carefully following her directions as well as her helpful troubleshooting tips, I managed to attach two beautiful, and more importantly perfectly symmetrical sleeves. And I didn’t even have to use her ‘cheater’ method (which is awesome that she provides one!).


The result – a fabulous shirt that I LOVE. Of course, the cuffs are a little high, though they look entirely ok. Because of their height they are the slightest bit more snug than I would have liked, but overall, this pattern will now be a go-to for us. At least, it will be when I cut the sleeves properly!


3 thoughts on “Every Day Adorable

  1. Great job. Tie Dye Diva patterns are just the best, aren’t they? I belive I have this one in my stash but have not made it yet.
    I am thankful for multiple listing because I too have scrolled right past patterns before then later found that they were exactly what I was looking for when I saw another view.
    The first time I did the continous lap placket I did do a practice one on a scrap just to wrap my head around the idea. The instructions were great but it is hard to get the concept into one’s brain. Doing a practice one is more for confidence than anything. Then you can take the practice one and put it in your sewing technique scrap book. (of which I keep meaning to start).

    • It was the first Tie Dye I’ve done, and I’ll definitely do another!
      And what is this sewing technique scrap book you speak of? I’ve heard of doing a stitch book or sampler, but never thought of a technique book! Right now I print out sections of tutorials that I found helpful and compile them into a makeshift technique cheat sheet 😉

    • You’re so right Marlene – I really should start a technique book. I’ve been playing more lately with some new machine feet and whatnot, so I should jut do it!
      And as for the Tie Dye Diva pattern – it really was wonderful. You should see it up for sure – would love to see it when you do 🙂

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